Leopard which had troubled people in Ludhiana was now seen in Samrala Area

 The leopard, which is creating an atmosphere of terror in different parts of Ludhiana, was recently seen in Manjali Kalan village of Samrala area.  

Forest and wildlife officials responded immediately to the reports and found pugmarks of the leopard around sugarcane fields, indicating its possible whereabouts. 

 Divisional Forest and Wildlife Officer Pritpal Singh highlighted its movement from residential areas to outer areas, due to which vigilance has been increased in the area.  Due to the presence of leopard, trap cameras and cages have been installed around the farms while a dedicated team of officials will monitor the area overnight.

   Residents have been alerted about the presence of leopards, advised to avoid night-time ventures, and cautioned about typical times for wild animal activity.  An official advisory along with a helpline number was issued by the district administration to ensure immediate reporting of any leopard sighting.  

The people can contact police control room 112 or forest range officials at 8146933778.

Additionally, a recent incident involving a leopard on Pakhowal Road prompted similar precautions, urging residents to protect children, pets and avoid gathering around or meeting the leopard.  The administration has made arrangements to catch the leopard

Leopard which had troubled people in Ludhiana was now seen in Samrala Area Leopard which had troubled people in Ludhiana was now seen in Samrala Area Reviewed by Gurpreet singh on December 14, 2023 Rating: 5

